Food recommendations for general good health:
There are so many different approaches to diet and sometimes that can be overwhelming. However, there are some basics that would be good to follow. The list below offers general suggestions and is not specific for any condition! If you suffer from a particular condition or illness - I recommend that you seek specific nutritional advice that will be tailor made for your needs as each condition requires a different nutritional approach.
The key is to eat foods that are clean and not processed. And learn how to prepare your food before cooking.
In our modern lifestyle, for the majority of people, just following these simple guidelines can already significantly improve their health. For those who are already following similar principles, any dietary suggestions would have to be more personalised and specific to their needs. Whatever diet you choose, make sure you do not stress over it or become too strict - You will then create a new issue that will need to be healed. When you are stressed, even the best nutrients may not be absorbed as well..
Foods to avoid:
Sugar (including fructose in fruit juices etc), processed and refined foods (ie: white bread and white sugar), margarine, soft drinks, soy products and drinks (only fermented soy products are OK in small amounts including: tempeh, natto or miso), vegetable oils (with the exception of cold pressed olive, coconut and palm oils), foods with preservatives, flavouring, colouring, MSG, refined table salt. reduce the amount of fats in your diet.
Basically you will need to cook all your foods from scratch!
What to include in your diet?
Include lots of fruit and vegetables as the main part of your diet.
It is important that your diet includes nutrient dense wholefoods with beneficial fats and enzymes which support the intestinal flora. These are often lacking in our modern diet. Eat organic and aim for free-range, pastured (not grain-fed) eggs and meat. Avoid using microwaves and drink filtered water. Add fermented foods and drinks to your diet.
Prepare and ferment your legumes and grains (in spring and summer, sprout them too) before cooking.
Taking good care of your liver
Today we are exposed to so many toxins in the air that we breath, in the food and water that we eat and drink. Most of us are under a lot of stress which is severely damaging to our body and we are dealing with new pathogens which become stronger and stronger each year. The one champion who saves us every day from our reckless lifestyle is the liver! Consider that even though your liver is tough and eager to always save you from your damaging habits, eventually, after years of hard work and no rest, it may collapse. Taking regular care of your liver will be worth it's weight in gold! Every spring have a liver cleans and throughout the year reduce fats, dairy, gluten and eggs. Introduce more fresh vegetables and fruit to your daily diet, have green smoothies and keep hydrated with lemon water every morning. Take B12 vitamin which supports liver function.
Have acupuncture periodically and come to see me for more detailed guidance.
Considering pathogenic factors
A very large part of the population today carry lingering pathogens. If you suffer from chronic illness, chronic inflammation or autoimmune processes, you might want to consider removing gluten, dairy and eggs from your diet. These foods nourish pathogens and will support the inflammation in your body.